Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Continuing with my December mini dives into small things that make a big difference for your mental health: This week I am talking about how important service is to improving your mental health. Take a listen, then go out and share your light with someone!
contact me:
email: wendy@messagesfromthemiddle.com
instagram: @childsongbird
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
This weeks episode is all about Grace. More specifically grace for yourself, self-love and self-compassion. A personal depvlopment journey is great, but as we work towards self improvement, it is also common to use these tools as ammunition for self-judgement. We also need too give ourselves grace and compassion as we work on creating the best version of ourselves.
email: wendy@messagesfromthemiddle.com
instagram: @childsongbird
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
For the month of December I will be doing a deep dive into different tools we can all use to enrich our mental health.
This week I was nudged to talk about Faith. As my mental health has been in a backslide lately, I have recognized that I need to go all in on faith. Faith is essential to moving towards understanding our purpose in life and why it is so important to work towards healing. Faith is the number one tool I have in my tool belt, and in many cases the only tool that I have available to help me take the next step when the path is dark and scary.
I share my feelings about faith and a few ways that I use to build and use faith as part of my healing story.
email: wendy@messagefromthemiddle.com
instagram: @childsongibrd
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
It seems counter intuitive, but being afraid of healing is very common. We are comfortable in our pain, but there is so much more available to us if we are willing to move through the pain and discomfort and find the person we are capable of being on the other side of the healing journey.
In this episode I share the reasons why you might be afraid of healing, and offer three ways to work through the fear and discomfort.
email: wendy@messagesfromthemiddle.com
instagram: @childsongbird
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
In this episode I take you through an excercies I use to create a timeline of all the good, happy and uplifting times in your life. This exercise is so powerful to see that life really is 50/50 there is light and good in our lives. We just have to look for it!
email: wendy@messagesfromthemiddle.com
instagram: @childsongbird
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
There are so many discoveries I have made since my ADHD diagnosis. This week I do a deep dive into what I learned about people with ADHD and their tendency to over-talk and over-share. This has been a big one my whole life. Learning that it is a result of issues with executive function AND that there are things we can all do to help us be better with our communication.
Instagram @childsongbird
email: wendy@messagesfromthemiddle.com
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
I really struggle with winter. A few years ago, as a way of learning to do more than just get through winter I learned about Hygge. In this episode I share a few fundamental of this Danish art of cozy, comfort and well being along with the five goals I have set for having a better winter season this year.
my list ofHygge essentials of Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2B3T1B45QFV0P?ref_=wl_share
Get in touch!
Instagram: @childsongbird
email: Wendy@messagesfromthemiddle
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
No matter what our biological gender is we all have feminine and masculine energy. We do tend to be more dominant in one or the other, but finding balance in these two energies will help you to create a life that you live on purpose. In this episode I talk about the characteristic of feminine and masculine energy. What imbalance looks like and how you can balance your energy to live a more whole and complete life.
Instagram: @childsongbird
email: Wendy@messaagesfromthemiddle.com
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
One of the most empowering things we can learns for our emotions is that it is out thoughts that create our emotions. In this episode I talk about notching your thoughts, becoming aware of the emotions the thought is causing and steps you can take towards creating a thought that is more serving to your mental health.
instagram: @childsongbird
email: wendy@messagesfromthemiddle.com
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
No one likes rejection, but for people with Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD) rejection is especially painful. This pain can cause mental health issues like anxiety and depression and can even be misdiagnosed as Bi-polar, borderline personality or other mood disorders. Another interesting thing about RSD, 100% of people with ADHD have it! It just shows up in different ways because we are all different. This week I look into RSD to get more information on the symptoms, the way it presents in different people and the treatment.
Contact me: wendy@messagesfromthemiddle.com
Instagram: @childsongbird