Messages From the Middle

A podcast sharing my mental health journey.I will share the things I have learned, things I am trying to learn and information from others on a mental health journey or experts who help people on a mental health journey.

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Thursday Mar 21, 2024

In this weeks episode I reflect on her childhood experiences with undiagnosed ADHD, recounting memories that shaped her sense of self. From struggling with feeling simultaneously smart and inadequate and navigating the complexities of school life while grappling with societal expectations and internalized criticism. As I delves into the impact of ADHD on my mental health, I will sheds light on the pervasive negativity experienced by children with ADHD, highlighting the detrimental effects of rejection sensitivity dysphoria (RSD) and the quest for self-acceptance.
In this episode I share issues that can lead to mental health issues. Lifelong  masking, perfectionism, and internalized stigma that culminated in debilitating depression and anxiety in your late 30s-40s. But I won't just leave you there with all the hard stuff. I will share how finding purpose and working towards self acceptance, among other mental health strategies can help as we fight back. 
contact me:
instagram: @childsongbird
coaching calendar link 

Know Your Worth

Thursday Mar 14, 2024

Thursday Mar 14, 2024

This week, I delve into the profound concept of recognizing your intrinsic worth as a person. Throughout my journey, I've observed countless individuals diminish themselves, settling for mere scraps when they're deserving of a lavish feast. I'll touch on the importance of valuing your physical self, understanding your worth in relationships, and embracing your spiritual worth, all of which converge to enhance your mental well-being.
Much like luxury brands unwaveringly uphold their value, refusing to settle for anything less, we too possess the power to believe in our worth. When we truly internalize our value, we become impervious to mistreatment, whether it stems from external sources or the critical voice within our minds. Let's explore how embracing our worth empowers us to stand tall and demand the respect we inherently deserve.
contact me:
Instagram: @childsongbird
coaching schedule

Who You Are Not

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Thursday Mar 07, 2024

Welcome to this week's episode. This week we delve into the essence of identity. Too often, we tether our sense of self to external factors, vulnerable to the whims of circumstance. But here's the thing: when we anchor our identity to transient elements, we risk losing our foundation, inviting in shame and suffering.
In this episode, we explore not only what you are not but also what truly defines you. We unravel the significance of the statements we utter after the phrase "I am," recognizing the profound impact of our self-talk on our sense of self. Join me as we navigate the intricacies of identity and empower ourselves with the language of self-affirmation. Tune in to discover the transformative power of mindful self-expression.
contact me:
instagram: @childsongbird
coaching calendar link

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

One the podcast this week I tried something different. I read/listen to a lot of books! I love to read ♥️. This week I highlighted three books I read recently that taught me something new, gave me a new perspective and had an impact on my mental health knowledge and understanding. 
The three books I discuss are: The Women by Kristen Hannah. What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo and Unbroken: The Trauma Response Is Never Wrong by Dr. MaryCatherine McDonald. Give this episode a listen to learn about these books and add them to your reading list. 
contact me: wendy@messagesfromthemiddle
instagram: @childsongbird
Schedule a coaching call with me here

Thursday Feb 22, 2024

Welcome to "Messages from the Middle," where we explore the intricate journey of healing and growth. I delve into the profound realization that while we are the architects of our own healing, we don't need to walk the path solo. This week I share a few ideas of the various companions that can accompany us on our own road to healing – from compassionate coaches and empathetic therapists to steadfast friends and wise mentors.
Today, I share my personal journey, unveiling the steps I took to seek support and initiate my healing process. Tune in as we navigate the terrain of self-discovery and resilience together, reminding ourselves that amidst life's challenges, we are never truly alone.
contact me:
instagram: @childsonggbird
Coach with me

Friday Feb 16, 2024

Today on the podcast where we explore the intricate dance between physical and mental health, illuminating the profound connection that shapes our well-being. Join me, as we delve into the ways our bodies and minds intertwine to create a life of vitality
Get ready to embark on a journey towards holistic well-being with me! On this podcast, I'll be dishing out practical tips and strategies you can implement today to elevate your physical health game. From simple lifestyle adjustments to fun fitness hacks, we'll explore ways to kickstart your journey to feeling your best self.
But here's the twist: it's not just about reps and veggies, it's about embracing the power of self-love and compassion along the way. Because let's be real, true wellness goes beyond the scale. We'll delve into how cultivating kindness towards yourself can be a game-changer, especially during those challenging times when illness throws a curveball. So, get ready to lace up your sneakers and wrap yourself in a blanket of self-care, because together, we'll navigate the ups and downs of the mind-body connection with grace and resilience.
contact me:
instagram: @childsongbird

Thursday Feb 08, 2024

In this episode of Messages from the Middle, delve into the multifaceted realm of love as we explore its various forms, as classified by ancient Greek philosophy. Beyond mere affection, understanding the nuanced distinctions between these types of love can profoundly impact the dynamics of our relationships and enhance our overall well-being. By recognizing and embracing the diversity of love, we gain insight into how to foster deeper connections with ourselves and others, cultivating a sense of unconditional love that transcends boundaries.
Join us as we navigate the intricacies of love's many dimensions, shedding light on its profound significance in our lives. Discover how incorporating these diverse expressions of love can enrich your interpersonal connections, fostering greater empathy, compassion, and fulfillment. Through thoughtful exploration and reflection, empower yourself to embrace love in all its forms, fostering a sense of harmony and wholeness within yourself and within your relationships.
contact me:
Instagram: @childsongbird

Saturday Feb 03, 2024

BONUS: It was exactly one year ago today that my husband and I summited Mt. Kilimanjaro. To mark the occasion I am reposting one of my most popular episodes. 
In this episode I share my experience on summit night hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro and the insights I gained about the parallels of a serious journey and mental health. I share the things that helped me get to the summit and how I have used similar tools in my mental health journey.
I hope this episodes offers you some guidance on your own mental health journey, or as you support someone you love on their road of trials. 

Sneaky Ugly Thoughts

Thursday Feb 01, 2024

Thursday Feb 01, 2024

Uncover the hidden saboteurs of your progress and let your true potential shine! Join me on 'Sneaky Ugly Thoughts,' where we explore those deceiving thoughts that hold us back from creating lasting change. Get ready to hear the thoughts that you think are helping you but they are actually keeping you stuck. stick with me for practical tips, a to break free from these sneaky culprits. Let's unleash your untapped power together!
contact me
instagram: @childsongbird

Thursday Jan 25, 2024

In this episode of Messages From the Middle, I share the breakthrough moment I had when I declared, "I don't need a medication change, I need a life change!" IN that moment I knew that I needed to take steps to change and love the life I am in right now.  In this episode I delve into the transformative power of decluttering for enhanced mental health. Discover the profound impact of expressing gratitude and cultivating meaningful connections with the people around you. Gain insights into the steps I took to create a compelling vision and purpose statement, paving the way for positive change.
Tune in for a journey of self-discovery, inspiration, and practical tips to embrace and love the life you lead. It's time to unlock the potential within and craft a life filled with purpose and joy. Let's embark on this empowering adventure together!
Instagram: @childsongbird


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